Camp for the Secondary grade students

////Camp for the Secondary grade students

Camp for the Secondary grade students

“Don’t be afraid, I am with you”
The camp for the secondary students in Slunfeh, where the subject of the call was discussed and what is required of listening and silence and distinguish the will and the voice of the Lord from all the voices and noise surrounding us, then talk about the fears facing each one of us and the need to trust his love like our mother Mary and accept his will in our lives,
The joy of the young people was great during the camp, and they expressed their prayers and thanksgivings to the Lord for every moment,
The camp was prepared in Aleppo under the supervision of Father Ibrahim Al-Sabbagh and started on Saturday, 18 August, until Thursday, 23 August. The number of participants reached 40 boys and girls with 18 responsible, accompanied by Father Daniel in Slunfeh.
Thank you, God, for everything

2019-01-04T13:12:40+02:00 August 28th, 2018|Summer Camps|0 Comments

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