Happy Mother’s day from our parish

///Happy Mother’s day from our parish

Happy Mother’s day from our parish

Because the mother is the sweetest present that God gave us and because she is the most value in our lives, because she is the mother, the sister, the wife, and the partner of our lives stations, our parish honored her during all the festivals we hold in this occasion, in the Sunday catechism we distributed lovely flowers for all the children to give them to their mothers and in St Antonio’s fraternity where all the ladies met on a breakfast . And of course, our scout also honored their mothers where they danced and sing during the dinner that the scout organized.
On Friday 22/3/2019 the mothers participated in the Via Crucis and after the Holy Mass Father Ibrahim gave gifts to all the mothers in our parish.

Happy Mother’s day may God bless you always.

2019-04-06T11:01:49+03:00 April 5th, 2019|Parish Activities|0 Comments

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