The Palm Sunday 14-4-2019

//The Palm Sunday 14-4-2019

The Palm Sunday 14-4-2019

“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

Our Church celebrated the Plam Sunday, the Mass was attended by a large number of believers who chanted all together “ Lord is the king of our lives and hearts “, it was headed by Bishop George Abou Khazen and Father Ibrahim Al Sabagh and Father Firas Loutfi.

It is our lovely Church that colored in red, and the voice of prays and chants raised high to make you feel thankful for the grace of faith in the middle of a society that tries hard to move out of the war.

Let us hold the olive branches and face the violence and the darkness in our society to spread the peace everywhere.

Blessed Palm Sunday.

2019-04-16T21:56:18+03:00 April 16th, 2019|Masses|0 Comments

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