Chrism Mass

//Chrism Mass

Chrism Mass

Yesterday, our church celebrated The Chrism Mass headed by Archbishop George Abu Khazen, All the Latin monks and priests gathered around him, and with the participation of the sisters, nuns and fraternities in the church and a crowd of believers.
In the Mass, the priests renewed the dates of their priesthood, and our Master George blessed the oils that are used in the granting of the sacraments.
We congratulate our master George and all the beloved fathers, on their feast day today, we pray that the Lord may complete them with virtues and self-sacrifice, so that they perform their priestly role in teaching, sanctifying and guiding the believers. And to be like the first priest, Jesus, in self-giving and free giving.

2021-04-03T09:44:18+03:00 March 31st, 2021|Masses|0 Comments

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