It has been a year since Father Edward Tamer left us, and almost a year since Father Firas Hijazin passed away

/, Media/It has been a year since Father Edward Tamer left us, and almost a year since Father Firas Hijazin passed away

It has been a year since Father Edward Tamer left us, and almost a year since Father Firas Hijazin passed away

It has been a year since Father Edward Tamer left us, and almost a year since Father Firas Hijazin passed away. We still thank God for all that he bestowed on his late sons, and through them on the Church of Aleppo and on the many churches of the Middle East where they served. On Sunday, August 15, at 6:00 pm, we celebrate the anniversary as a respite for their souls. The monks receive condolences at the door of St. Francis Church immediately after the liturgy.
open invitation.
Christ is risen, truly risen.
With our late fathers, in the parish mass tomorrow, we remember all our loved ones from all the parishes who left us last year, especially because of the Corona pandemic.
May God have mercy on them all and grant us the remaining living people long life and comfort.

2021-08-14T18:09:49+03:00 August 14th, 2021|Masses, Media|0 Comments

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